Geen onderneming heeft meer kans om te slagen dan een die verborgen wordt gehouden voor de vijand tot hij rijp is voor uitvoering ~ Machiavelli
Dit soort vijand-denken kan heel goed de basis zijn voor de huidige toestand van de wereld en de menselijke samenleving. Als we het eens zouden veranderen in: ‘’Nergens is meer vreugde te vinden dan in een door samenwerkende vrienden succesvol uitgevoerde onderneming’’. Samenwerken in plaats van elkaar tegenwerken, elkaar benaderen in de veronderstelling een vriend te ontmoeten en geen vijand, zou wel eens de meest vruchtbare actie ooit kunnen blijken te zijn, zelfs een die de wereld kan veranderen in een betere plaats.
No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution ~ Machiavelli
This kind of ‘’enemy-thinking’’ is what might very well be at the base of the state the world and human society is in today. What about changing it to: “No more joy is found then in an enterprise successfully undertaken in cooperation between friends.’’ Working together instead of against each other, approaching people presuming they will be friends rather than enemies might turn out to be the most fruitful action ever, and one that might even have the chance of changing the world into a better place.
Visies op lactatie: Tweetalig blog over borstvoeding in de maatschappij
Lactation visions: Bilingual blog on breastfeeding in society
7 november 2010
13 september 2010
Borstvoedingprijs 2010
2 jaar geleden was ik winnaar van de Borstvoedingprijs 2008 en nu voorzitter van de jury voor de Borstvoedingprijs 2010. Mijn collega juryleden zijn Chantal van de Bossche van WECF en Justine Pardoen van Ouders Online.
Vanaf nu kan worden gestemd door ''het publiek'' uit de drie door de jury uit de nominaties gekozen kandidaten Ellen van Kooij, Chella Verhoeven en Marianne Vanderveen.
Stem nu!
Vanaf nu kan worden gestemd door ''het publiek'' uit de drie door de jury uit de nominaties gekozen kandidaten Ellen van Kooij, Chella Verhoeven en Marianne Vanderveen.
Stem nu!
3 september 2010
Kangaroo Mother Care: Nils Bergman over de kracht van huidcontact
"Miracle premature baby"
A news report of an infant declared dead, and surviving after being given to mother to hold in skin-to-skin contact, has made major media attention. Prompted by inquiries, I have made this commentary.
This is an emotive story, but hardly original! Unusual, but occurs ... actually right here in Cape Town just two weeks ago! Susan Ludington-Hoe opens one of her books on Kangaroo Care with a similar anecdote.
My own research and "hypothesis" on this is based on the fact that to almost all newborn mammals, separation from mother is life-threatening. This activates a very powerful defence response, which is to shut down and immobilise ( freeze and dissociation by vagal nerve activation). Reptiles use this exact same vagal defence mechanism to slow their hearts to levels that would kill mammals, who need more oxygen! As adults, we think that stress increases heart rate because of our sympathetic nervous system, but what is not properly understood is that even full term newborns have very immature sympathetic nervous systems, and premature infants extremely immature. Prems can only dissociate, and if they are stressed before they are born, they may just remain in dissociation ... with dangerously low oxygen levels.
Our resuscitation technology can force some regulatory oxygen and breathing and blood pressure and temperature ... but it is working against the "autonomic nervous system tide". There is great variability in sensitivity and resilience in all human beings, and some are sensitive and succumb despite our technology.
What "kangaroo care" does is restore the basic biology for survival. It is "skin-to-skin contact" which is the key, because the deep sensory fibres from the skin go to the "emotional processing unit" of the brain (amygdala), and tells the brain "you are safe". This de-activates the dissociation (un-safe mode), and restores the regulation (safe mode) - which is the real function of the vagal nerve.
But there may be a paradox in this very case. Circumstances led to this infant being allowed to stay in skin-to-skin contact for a long time, which may in fact have been its saving grace !! Perhaps its tolerance of separation may have been non-existant. But the paradox may work even deeper ... perhaps it was so profoundly powerful in its vagal response to dissociate in order to survive, that it could last long enough in the shutdown state to be allowed to come back to mother! He may therefore be highly resilient, which is why he survived !!!! The World Health Organisation calls this Kangaroo Mother Care, and Mother was the key to this baby's survival.
But it is good that this is receiving so much attention ...
all babies should be in skin-to-skin contact with Mother from birth onwards,
no babies should be separated from their mothers (or fathers!).
This applies particularly to premature babies.
Dr Nils Bergman
Cape Town, South Africa
A news report of an infant declared dead, and surviving after being given to mother to hold in skin-to-skin contact, has made major media attention. Prompted by inquiries, I have made this commentary.
This is an emotive story, but hardly original! Unusual, but occurs ... actually right here in Cape Town just two weeks ago! Susan Ludington-Hoe opens one of her books on Kangaroo Care with a similar anecdote.
My own research and "hypothesis" on this is based on the fact that to almost all newborn mammals, separation from mother is life-threatening. This activates a very powerful defence response, which is to shut down and immobilise ( freeze and dissociation by vagal nerve activation). Reptiles use this exact same vagal defence mechanism to slow their hearts to levels that would kill mammals, who need more oxygen! As adults, we think that stress increases heart rate because of our sympathetic nervous system, but what is not properly understood is that even full term newborns have very immature sympathetic nervous systems, and premature infants extremely immature. Prems can only dissociate, and if they are stressed before they are born, they may just remain in dissociation ... with dangerously low oxygen levels.
Our resuscitation technology can force some regulatory oxygen and breathing and blood pressure and temperature ... but it is working against the "autonomic nervous system tide". There is great variability in sensitivity and resilience in all human beings, and some are sensitive and succumb despite our technology.
What "kangaroo care" does is restore the basic biology for survival. It is "skin-to-skin contact" which is the key, because the deep sensory fibres from the skin go to the "emotional processing unit" of the brain (amygdala), and tells the brain "you are safe". This de-activates the dissociation (un-safe mode), and restores the regulation (safe mode) - which is the real function of the vagal nerve.
But there may be a paradox in this very case. Circumstances led to this infant being allowed to stay in skin-to-skin contact for a long time, which may in fact have been its saving grace !! Perhaps its tolerance of separation may have been non-existant. But the paradox may work even deeper ... perhaps it was so profoundly powerful in its vagal response to dissociate in order to survive, that it could last long enough in the shutdown state to be allowed to come back to mother! He may therefore be highly resilient, which is why he survived !!!! The World Health Organisation calls this Kangaroo Mother Care, and Mother was the key to this baby's survival.
But it is good that this is receiving so much attention ...
all babies should be in skin-to-skin contact with Mother from birth onwards,
no babies should be separated from their mothers (or fathers!).
This applies particularly to premature babies.
Dr Nils Bergman
Cape Town, South Africa
23 augustus 2010
Wetenschap | science
Wetenschap. Gek woord. De kennis van het weten. Wat weet je nou echt? Is WYSIWYG? Neem nou kruiden. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat sommige kruiden en specerijen kankerverwekkend zijn. We mogen geen venkel meer en geen kruidnagel en geen kaneel. En dat onderzoek was uitgevoerd volgens de gouden standaarden van wetenschap: de werkzame stoffen in deze kruiden en specerijen werden geëxtraheerd (want je moet wel heel precies afbakenen wat je onderzoekt) en vervolgens gevoerd aan kleine dieren zoals muizen en ratten. En wat blijkt? Als je die diertjes nu maar lang genoeg van die stoffen voert worden ze ziek. Wie had dat nu gedacht? Lang leve de wetenschap.
Science. Weird word. The knowledge of knowing. What do you know? Is WYSIWYG? Take herbs. Scientific research showed that some herbs and spices are carcinogenic. We can't eat fennel anymore, nor cloves nor cinnamon. These studies were performed following the scientific golden standards: the working compounds of the herbs were extracted (for you must define very carefully what exactly you study) and fed to little animals like mice and rats. And you know what? If you feed these animals for long enough with these substances they’ll eventually get sick. Now, who’d have thought that? Long live science!
Science. Weird word. The knowledge of knowing. What do you know? Is WYSIWYG? Take herbs. Scientific research showed that some herbs and spices are carcinogenic. We can't eat fennel anymore, nor cloves nor cinnamon. These studies were performed following the scientific golden standards: the working compounds of the herbs were extracted (for you must define very carefully what exactly you study) and fed to little animals like mice and rats. And you know what? If you feed these animals for long enough with these substances they’ll eventually get sick. Now, who’d have thought that? Long live science!
16 juli 2010
Criminal Minds ??? Comedy Capers

Borstvoeding geven mag dan volkomen natuurlijk zijn en gezond voor moeder, kind en maatschappij, menig persoon is er niet van overtuigd dat moeders overal hun kind kunnen voeden waar zij zich op dat moment bevindt. Vrouwen worden nog regelmatig weggejaagd wanneer zij hun kind voeden op openbare plaatsen zoals restaurants, musea of winkels. Nu is zelfs een moeder weggestuurd en door vier politieagenten benaderd omdat zij in de gang van een ziekenhuis, wachtend op een spoedbehandeling, haar hongerige kind de borst gaf. Een arts van de afdeling spoedeisende hulp van een ziekenhuis in Aalst (B) had de politie gebeld nadat de vrouw weigerde zich te laten wegmoffelen in een hokje en haar noodzakelijke behandeling uit te stellen omdat haar kind honger had. Met vier man sterk kwamen de dappere dienders deze crimineel aanpakken. Wie heeft hier nu de criminal mind?
Breastfeeding may very well be perfectly normal and healthy for mother, child and society, many a person is not convinced that moms can feed their child where ever she is entitled to be. Women are chased away on a fairly regular basis from public places like restaurants, museums or shops. Now a mother was harassed by medical staff and approached by four police officers for feeding her hungry child while waiting for a emergency procedure in a hospital hallway. An ER doctor of a Aalst, Belgium hospital called the police after the woman refused to be stuck away and have her treatment delayed because her child was hungry. With the four of them the brave coppers showed up to handle this criminal. Now who’s the criminal mind here?
30 april 2010
Bijblijven | staying updated
This happy face attracts visitors to the symposium Breastfeeding at it's best, 29th of april 2010, IJsselland hospital
Conferenties, congressen, symposia, studiedagen: je loopt je de benen onder je lijf uit om bij te blijven in je vak. Scholen, bijscholen, nieuwe informatie, nog nieuwere informatie - hoe hebben we het ooit gered zonder deze nog nieuwere, nog meer evidence based informatie? Gelukkig zijn er ook symposia met gevarieerde sprekers, die de wetenschap bejubelen en sprekers die die wetenschap gebruiken voor beter werk en sprekers die de onzin van al te veel nadruk op wetenschap hekelen.
Dr. Ko van Wouwe, TNO Kwaliteit van Leven, besprak de wetenschappelijke basis van de multidisciplinaire richtlijnen borstvoeding die worden opgesteld door het partnerschap borstvoeding. Drs Nikk Conneman, neonatoloog, Sophia kinderziekenhuis, sprak met passie en humor over het ontwikkelingsgericht werken met de allerkleinste en meest kwetsbare kindjes en de plaats van (borst)voeding daarin. Inspirerend, meeslepend, ontroerend. Hoofdspreker was dr. Jack Newman, kinderarts, IBCLC, Toronto, Canada, die met verve sprak over de zin en onzin van cijfers bij (de begeleiding bij) borstvoeding: die cijfers en de gedachte wetenschap erachter staan de borstvoeidng en daarmee het welzijn van het kind vaker in de weg dan dat ze helpen.
Conferences, congresses, symposiums, study days: running around like mad to keep up-to-date in your profession. Get educated, re-educated, new information and more new information - how did we ever manage without all this even newer, more evidence based information? It's a joy to attend a symposium with a variety of speakers, like those who cherish science, those who use science to do a better job and those who point out the non-sense of putting too much weight on science. Dr. Ko van Wouwe, TNO Kwaliteit van Leven, discussed the scientific basis for the multidisciplinary charter breastfeeding which is being written by the partnership breastfeeding. Drs Nikk Conneman, neonatoloog, Sophia kinderziekenhuis, spoke with passion and humor about NIDCAP for the most tiny and precious children of all and the aspect of (breast)feeding in that particular type of of neonatal intensive care. Inspiring, stunning, moving. Main speaker was dr. Jack Newman, pediatrician, IBCLC, Toronto, Canada, who virtously spoke about the sense and non-sense of numbers in the (counseling of) breastfeeding: those numbers and the presumed science behind them might very hinder breastfeeding and with the wellbeing of children in stead of being helpfull.
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